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What you don't know can hurt you

Nologin offers Log Management, Security Event Management, Security Information Management and Security Event Correlation, all as a service, in a monthly fee and under SLA.

A SIEM is a computer tool that allows us to guarantee the collection of all the logs of our different systems, being able to manage events or alerts related to these logs, and creating, storing and distributing reports generated from all the information managed.

Our service allows to collect all the records and make real-time diagnostics on the security of the platform, and detect possible vulnerabilities, anticipating possible risks.

Contact us

“ Before, we did not have all of this information. Now we know in a moment what is going on, and if we need to react. ”
Óscar Torreror Ladrero,Technology and Systems Director, Aragonesa de Servicios Telemáticos

SIEM as a Service by Nologin

Using IBM QRadar SIEM, network events (logs) and flows are processed in real time in a non-intrusive manner without affecting the performance of the productive infrastructure.

Thanks to Threat Intelligence knowledge shared by IBM and other sources, you can correlate events and flows, classify them, assess them and respond to threats reported in anywhere in the world.

Our SIEM is integrated with LUCIA (Unified List of Coordination of Incidents and Threats) for the Management of Cyberincidents in the entities of the scope of application of the National Security Scheme.

The system is managed in 24/7 by our engineers. A ticketing system allows the customer's IT team to interact with Nologin to support the security incidents detected.

It is offered as a service, in a monthly fee and under SLA.

Customer Stories

Meet tomorrow's challenges with Nologin